Six of every 1000 pregnancies end
in death for a mom in Kayunga, Uganda.
Please help.
A unique approach to global giving.
We look for ways to build self-sustaining small businesses that surround schools and orphanages. We help them to build local solutions that last.
We believe that every baby has gifts from God, and deserves a chance to use their gifts.
We help local people to save babies.
We could show hundreds of these before-and-after photos. Our approach builds locally run programs, including intensive care for malnourished babies, clean water, and education.
We do NOT parachute in to tell poor people how to solve their problems. Instead we help with funding to make good ideas happen.
We support projects leading to self-sustaining organizations
We support local people that want to build their communities in their local way. We give zero-interest loans to new businesses that help the local orphanage. We help the orphanage farm to feed the kids so that faraway donors can focus on enrichment.

“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
—Mark 10 : 14-15